The success of the orthodontic treatment depends largely on how the braces and the oral cavity are taken care of.
All dental treatments must be performed before the orthodontic therapy begins. The oral hygiene has to be well maintained during the period of time when the device is worn. The orthodontic treatments make the maintenance more difficult, but so much more important also. The greatest difficulty is cleaning the areas between the brackets, and even of those between the brackets and the gum, for each tooth.
Oral hygiene, while wearing braces, must be impeccable. The better the hygiene is, the quicker the treatment becomes, the vaguer pain gets and there are no chances of decays or gingival inflammations. The device implies extra attention because it favours food retention, because of its elements. In case of poor hygiene, white sports appear on teeth, which are areas on enamel demineralization, decays or gingivitis. If the orthodontist indicates wearing elastics, it must be done properly and the time for having it on must be respected.
No activation appointment must be missed.
In case you cannot attend one, inform the doctor one day ahead, at least.

How to take care of the appliance?
Foods which should be avoided:
- Sticky foods: caramels, chewing gum, Turkish delight, jellies;
- Crunchy foods: nuts, peanuts, seeds, popcorn;
- Hard and raw foods like apples and carrots should be cut into smaller pieces;
- Hard to chew foods: bagels, bread crust, pizza dough.
In order to avoid the appearance of new decays already favoured by the mere presence of the fixed appliance, the consumption of high in sugar foods such as candy and sweets, cookies and biscuits, ice cream, chocolate, soft drinks, still or sparkling, should be greatly reduced, However, if these kind of foods are consumed, it is mandatory to clean the teeth immediately.