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January 22, 2019Why do white stains appear on the teeth?
On the surface of the teeth, sometimes, white stains, with chalk-like, opaque aspect can be seen. They have been there either from the time when the tooth appeared on the arch, having erupted with stains, or appear after a period of time when the tooth looked normal. Stains that are present since the formation of the tooth are called dental dystrophies and they do not evolve, do not increase in size and do not turn into cavities. They are only esthetically bothering and may be reduced through teeth whitening or veneers.
If you see that one or several teeth that used to look normal become stained, particularly near the gum, you should see a dentist for a consultation. Such stains appear due to a loss of mineral substances from the structure of the enamel. The lack of proper hygiene allows foods to persist on the substance of the tooth and the decomposition of sugar by the bacteria in the mouth. The PH drops, acids appear and calcium is lost from the enamel. In people wearing fixed braces, the risk of such stains appearing is higher, due to the more difficult hygienization around the brackets.
The stains evolve towards cavities and may cause pain in contact with sweet or cold foods
What can be done to prevent their occurrence:
1. Mouth hygiene must be correct, at least twice a day. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. At night, brushing your teeth patiently, for at least three minutes, is mandatory. Over night, the salivary flow protecting the tooth decreases, and the negative effects of acids increase.
2. Toothpastes have to contain fluoride. Rinsing the mouth with mouthwashes that contain fluoride prevents the production of acids in the bacterial plaque and helps repair the enamel, through the remineralization of lesions.
3. Chewing gums (sugar free) stimulate the salivary flow. Saliva contains calcium, phosphates and fluoride, that repair the enamel.
4. Changing one’s diet, by limiting the amount of sweets and carbonated drinks. These should be consumed after lunch and snacks between meals should be avoided.