Whenever most teeth are restored in order to create an amazing, healthy and functional smile, we refer to a complete dental rehabilitation.

A frequent cause of teeth destruction is dental abrasion and erosion (see the image at the bottom of the page). It is due to harmful habits, acid diets, gastro-esophageal refluxes and bruxism (teeth grinding). Bruxism appears especially during profound sleep or throughout the day when being tensed or stressed. Most times, patients do not know they are faced with such issues, but the signs and symptoms that emerge within teeth, muscles and articulations, are an indicator of the problems. If there is no therapeutic intervention, the matter can progress towards pronounced teeth destruction.

A combination of crowns, veeners, implants or onlays can be employed when fully rehabilitating teeth, based on the individual needs of the patients.

Full mouth rehabilitation is indicated if:

  • Teeth are deteriorated by multiple decays;
  • There are extensive obturations which weaken the teeth’s endurance;
  • Many teeth are missing;
  • Most of the teeth’s structure has been lost because of abrasion and erosion;
  • There are periodontal and occlusion issues (articulation problems).

The treatment steps consist of thorough planning during several appointments:

  • Impression off all teeth;
  • Recording a correct bite (occlusion) by means of the facial arch and assembling the models in the laboratory, in a special articulator device;
  • Creating a prototype model of the future teeth, molded in a special wax (wax up model). Its role is to preview the shape, length and position of the future restorations, which will correspond to the patient’s wishes and also to the aesthetic standards;
  • This waxup model is transferred onto the prepared teeth and there are temporary restorations made from the material used when obturating. In this way, the patient can evaluate their future smile, the occlusion and the functionality straight away. Moreover, they can express requests, if there are any, for making the necessary changes and ultimately produce the shiny smile everybody desires;
  • By the time of making the ceramic work, the patient is fully content with the result: a beautiful, healthy, functional smile.