Measures to prevent decays should be applied as early as possible during tooth formation and after the emergence of teeth in the mouth.
The diet influences the quality of the tooth, ddeveloping its resistance to decays. It is important that vegetables, fruit, milk be included in the diet. Fluoride supplements used during tooth formation make them more resistant to caries attack, but they should be added only if the dentist specifies.
In order to have healthy teeth during the entire childhood, adolescence and later on as adults, oral care should begin since the first year of life. Healthy hygiene habits should be learnt from an early age. Obiceiurile sănătoase de igienă trebuie deprinse de la vârste cât mai fragede.
Brushing should be done at least twice a day with toothpastes containing fluoride. Parents must supervise their children and help them complete brushing at least in the evening. Children up to 10-12 years do not have the dexterity required to properly sanitize all teeth surfaces, so at this stage the parents’ role is crucial.
Once the first tooth appears, the bacteria that cause decays also appear. It develops on the surface of the teeth and reacts to food, by turning sugar into acid. The acid thus formed can dissolve tooth enamel, this process leading to tooth decay.

Some advice and tips
- Start brushing as soon as the first tooth appears.
- Help your children brush their teeth especially in the evening; you can stay behind your children while brushing to ensuring that the brushing is done correctly on all the teeth faces.
- Children 3-5 years should make their first visit to the dentist
- Do not give your baby milk bottles, fruit juices or other drinks with sugar between meals or at night.
- Give your child to drink only water between meals or at night.
- Fruit is best snack between meals.
Dental treatments for children
- Consultation and instruction regarding a correct dental brushing;
- Professional brushing;
- Tooth sealing;
- Decay treatment;
- Orthodontic treatments;
- Dental extractions.
Children can be easily influenced at this age so it is not recommended to discuss in their presence about fear, pain or less positive experiences at the dentists’. Children should be encouraged to come fearless at the dentists’, periodically, in order to avoid the appearance of severe dental issues, which can generate pain and traumatizing experiences to them.
Around the age of 5-6, a permanent tooth appears behind the last milk teeth. Pay attention to its cleaning as it frequently decays, not being observed by parents or being confused with a milk tooth. It is recommended to seal it, which is an easy job, through which enamel sticks onto the tooth’s surface and protects it from the germs in the mouth. At this age, the amount of tooth paste used should be increased (the size of a pea) and allow the fluoride to stay longer in the mouth after brushing, so guide your child not to rinse too vigorously after brushing.
Use fluoride supplements only at the dentist’s recommendation.