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December 2, 2017Maintenance of dental prostheses for an extended use
December 29, 2017The diagnostic wax-up
The diagnostic wax-up
In dental aesthetics, the key in obtaining a nice smile starts with listening to the patient’s aesthetic wishes. The dental changes that the patient wants, along with the doctor’s aesthetic knowledge and the functional requirements, lead to the creation of a prototype of the future teeth: the diagnostic wax-up.
The technician moulds in wax how the final teeth would look, starting from the patient’s teeth. He/she elongates or shortens them, widens or shrinks them, changes their inclination, median line, etc. In the dental practice, based on the wax-up, temporary restorations are performed.
The patient can test his/her future teeth, show them to family or friends and ask the doctor to perform the desired changes. Once the ideal formula is found, the one that meets the aesthetic and functional requirements, the next step is to manufacture the permanent teeth.